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UFBT Interview with MTV

Children Psychosocial Support


الطفل صعب ينسى... الدعم النفسي الإجتماعي اليوم صار ضرورة لمساعدة الأطفال لتخطي الظروف يلّي مرقوا أو عم يمرقوا فيا. دعمكن أساسي لإستمرار مشروعنا

Your support is essential for the sustainability of our mission.

A very special recognition to Mr. @majedbouhadir

Child: Raphael Nader
Videography: @joeghanemphotography
Editing: @miguelkhalil
Idea and Art direction:
PSS Facilitators: @jessicameehanna @jowelle1981

Thank you for your support:

About UFBT

We are United for a Better Tomorrow
We work together to create and sustain a meaningful difference in the world because we are committed to providing a better tomorrow for everyone. We firmly think that everyone should have the right to live a life with at least the bare necessities.

Our Impact

We provide support for more than +15.000 people.


Assisted Families


Registered Families


Assisted Organizations



Success Stories

A word from our happy volunteers!

Case Assessment

Our case assessment process is rooted in understanding the holistic needs of each individual or family we work with. We go beyond surface-level observations, delving into the intricacies of their circumstances to create a comprehensive overview. Our assessment encompasses: